During this initial 60 to 90 minute session, we will begin our journey together. Let’s discuss your needs, desires, where you are presently and where you want to go.

Each session is customized. I interweave your natal chart and the four elements into our conversation so I can see what gifts, opportunities, and challenges are entangled within your unique

thread of life.

Often like your inner child, the threads can become neglected, thrown aside, frayed and tangled. How does your inner child feel when he/she is neglected? If you are heavily influenced by the element of fire, it could be sarcastic or bitter, if you are heavily influenced by the element of water, it could be very weepy and sad inside. An air sign could be detached and an earth sign could be a robotic worker. Your whole energy force is in that thread. The gift of the elements allows me to recognize when your energy force is low and your thread is not a golden thread.

Through Insights, let’s defray the threads, detangle the knots, wash out the dirty energy and bring clean pure energy back through journal, photography, and body exercises as practical assignments after your session.

Get started and book your Insight session.